Dear male friend,
How awesome would your sex and dating life be when you gained the confidence and skills to approach, date & seduce attractive women you spot in your daily life?
Single men over 25, get to know…
Where to meet the (younger) women you desire in your everyday life.
How to approach that hot woman in a flirty and confident way.
What to say to her to spark her attraction and interest in you.
What to do on an instant-drink date and seduce her mind further.
How to get her to a place where you can have intimacy and steamy sex.
How to keep seeing and fucking her without having to commit first to an exclusive relationship.
…and this all for very little (or no) money and within four hours of meeting her.
If you are recovering from a long term monogamous relationship with a woman or when you are stranded in the endless desert of dry spells as a single mature man, then when would now be the moment that you decide to leave behind a life of mediocre (or no) sex and average boring ugly women with drama and issues?
As a formerly retired no-nonsense dating coach from the sex capital of the world Amsterdam, The Netherlands (Europe), I find more and more men all over the world struggling with regaining their masculine power in a princess-conditioned world.
Sure with our earlier coaching we helped thousands of men nationally and internationally regain their power as a man, and bag those hotties (some of our coaching clients even brought home 2 hot twin sisters for having threesomes in our dating workshop villas).
Though reality is that most men all over the world have never been properly initiated how to date & seduce women they encounter in their daily lives, other than to kiss her ass and hope she will like him in return (which never happens of course).
You might have noticed that your current 'nice and decent civil guy'-approach to getting laid with women DOES NOT WORK.
So that's exactly what we are gonna help you change into a bad-ass confident alpha male.
Go from… | …to this |
Seeing multiple women every week | |
Actually date those women | |
She makes you happy (not only with giving you random blowjobs) | |
Women chase you to meet up | |
She gets you gifts and she pays your drinks | |
Fine! You have sex with her hot female friend instead | |
You decide on how the relationship looks like | |
Congruence, honesty, care-free and authentic | |
A playful alpha male that respects his boundaries | |
Have a prenup (easily get rid of her and without trouble when things no longer work out for you) |
I feel so sick about it that you may have the same bugging irritation why you just can't seem to meet hot attractive women and successfully seduce them for sex quickly, cheaply and repeatedly.
You'll want to break free from a beta-male prison of depression, doubt, anxiety and feelings of helplessness when it comes to having women wanting to be in your life eager to fuck you on a recurring basis.
Because all the 'average guys' (or better: more than 95% of men) seem to have is sheer luck with getting laid with any lady at all!
That's bad, and that means he is not in control of his dating and sex life.
However, similar as you as a man get horny from seeing a hot girl... women also have their triggers to get hot for you and start chasing you for sex!
As a master erotic hypnotist and expert adult player I've jet to find a girl that would NOT be interested in getting to know me better when I told her a female friend went fully orgasmic on my voice command... captured on video camera... within a few minutes of talking with me!
I mean, once you discover that there are enough good looking women eager to just jump on your lap and start kissing you, or even dive down head-first into your lap to give you a spontaneous well-deserved blowjob, you'll get instant confidence in dating women my bro!
But… you have never been taught to confidently date women in school, not at work, nor from your friends and neither from your childhood upbringing.
And all the Hollywood movies you may have seen also are worthless in showing you how to get laid in the real world (they typically show a poor guy doing a lot of work to 'win her over' and supplicating to her - WRONG!).
Imagine the assumption that you have to do a lot of work as a man to try to win over the heart of the woman you fancy is a totally false belief.
It is once you discover how easy dating is and have women in your life that want to see you for some 1-on-1 action in the bedroom.
Could this be something for you?
"But I'm too old!" → We have older guys over 40 and even 50 easily get young women of for example 23 years old, using our method. Looking younger may ease things a bit, but remind yourself that older guys can offer wisdom and experience that no youngster has (so you're ahead of the pack).
"But I'm too ugly!" → We have poorly groomed, poorly dressed, overweight men get in the sack with slim princesses with awesome asses and big boobs and a face to die for. Looking your best may help your success, but still your convictions, actions and behavior seduce a woman more than most apparel.
"But I'm too shy!" → This is exactly why this method will work for you (our shy guys were doing much better with the ladies than the seemingly initially hot guys). Actually the dating method works best if you are normally a more introvert type of guy.
"But I'm too poor!" → Our dating method is created with a Dutch mindset, meaning: cheap, cheap & even more cheap (preferably FREE). All you need to meet and fuck women is a little bit of money to pay for at most one or two normal drinks.
"But I'm not famous!" → The less known you are the better you remain an interesting mystery for her; probably you'll be mainly famously known by all her hot female friends that you've already fucked.
"But I haven't dated any woman in years!" → Not a problem at all because what prevented you from meeting and dating women in the last years is exactly what you'll be replacing with methods and approaches that do get you new women in your life fast. If you're a man, and you have a dick, and a bit of a working brain and perseverance mindset, than you can also start sleeping with hot women.
"But I'm still recovering from a relationship that went south!" → Another perfect reason why our dating method will work for you, because you can say goodbye forever to that boring low-sex or no-sex monogamous bitching girlfriend life and restart with a completely redesigned dating life that involves a constant stream of new women who want to have sex with you! We've had clients that were worse of than you, guys who had to recover from broken marriages with kids and a bitch ex-wife that keeps torturing them for fun (their sweetest revenge was dating a woman more beautiful than their ex).
"But I only want to find one woman of my dreams!" → Well, to make sure you got the skills and experience to properly assess if the woman matches your dream life partner criteria and then be able seduce her and win her over, you'll need this training my friend… Besides, under the ethical non-monogamy paradigm you'll still want the option to find an even better woman of your dreams, when your current wife falls out of your favour.
Confidence is about your mind (what you think), about your body (physicality and vibe) and about the actions which you take.
When you play the numbers game well and improve the quality of your interactions in your dating life, you will become too busy having sex to keep up with handle all those hotties.
Know this.
I will be re-releasing the successful dating method I've developed over 18 years ago to train men to become womanizers. But this time the book will be offered globally worldwide and translated to English language!
Earlier editions of this book…
…sold thousands and thousands of printed paperback copies,
…hundreds of live dating workshops for men in The Netherlands and the Dutch speaking part of Belgium,
…and several transformational sex-loaded dating trips in Europe and Americas.
One of my previous clients who actually followed up the instructions by the letter still thanks me to this day for teaching him the method that led to his new wife and 7 same-named hot exes joining his marvelous wedding.
Not saying that you should get legally married for the state (bad idea!) but the point is this stuff works to get a shitload of sexually interested women stick around wherever you go!
The Netherlands is as wet a country as you want those hot pussies to be.
Hence I was rowing a boat on Dutch waters the other day and there is one thing I want to ask your help with (I'll do you a favor in return).
On Friday February 14th 2025 (Valentine's Day) I will release the instruction manual again how to get laid using confidence in your approach to meeting and dating women in your everyday life.
But… the book will be released on Amazon and Google Play Books in a limited edition copy plus the content will be fully improved and updated for fixing the current era of beta-pussyfication (weak men) we live in.
As I'm updating now the last parts and chapters to the book, I want to make sure I cover any questions or concerns that you have about being able to confidently date women you desire.
For that find yourself leaving your details below and hit send.
After you have confirmed your e-mail (check your spam folder!) I will occasionally send you a few questions to check if I am really covering the answers you need for your situation.
Oh and of course you'll be one of those guys that will be granted the opportunity to obtain the dating method at the cheapest price ever and with the greatest give-away discount there will be. Because after the initial re-release on Amazon and Google Play Books at Friday February 14th 2025 the price will only go up.
As an up-front "Thank you!" for having the courage to come out of the shadows of beta male prison I'll send you the 10 Dating Tips FREE bonus report in advance.
See you on the other side!
Your bro friend and dating coach for Western single men over 25,
Quintus a.k.a. PlayMale
Our Confidently Dating Women™ method for men is about meeting women in your everyday life. Think about meeting her at the grocery store, shopping mall, during your lunch break at work, while hanging out with friends at an event, practising some sports or hobby you enjoy, or when taking a walk in the park. So it is mostly what is commonly called 'day-game' or 'street-game'.
You don't need to go out deep into the night (so called club-game). Going out every other night may have been fine when you were 20 years old, but as you reach your thirties, forties or fifties you can better spend your energy elsewhere.
We enhance your lead list of fresh new pussy from day-game with a bit of online dating (from online dating apps such as Tinder and Bumble) and social circle game (meeting women through mutual acquaintances and at get-togethers with friends).
We have used our dating method for men from as young as 20 years old to 65 years old. On average our clients are in their late twenties to early fifties.
The program works especially well for guys and men who have had a committed monogamous relationship before and want to switch to a more free sex and dating lifestyle. And for guys who don't have a lot of time to spend: We're all busy working on our mission as the primary goal; women come secondary to us.
Most clients live already on their own, have a stable or growing income and have their basic necessities met (food, shelter etc.). If you still live with your parents, then first move out and only then come back to us.
Yes, this works in most western countries and probably a lot of other culture countries as well. In The Netherlands most women are sober and don't need a man to live very well, so the training grounds are here more difficult than some other countries where women are much more feminine and appreciative of men.
The essence of the Confidently Dating Women™ program is to start talking to women you meet in your everyday roundabouts. In your street, at the shopping mall, while waiting for the bus, at the airport, during lunch break, at a social event or festival etc. Based on your locality it may mean that you have to travel a bit more (in The Netherlands we live quite dense so everything is within short-distance).
We have applied the method before in our dating tours to for example Miami, Prague, Sofia, Belgrade, Krakow and Buenos Aires, which proves that the dating method also works outside The Netherlands. Our main limitation abroad was the language barrier; because we speak Dutch and English, but if you can speak Spanish for example a whole additional world of ladies open up to you. And in case we don't speak the local language then body language is our greatest friend to get laid haha.
There are a few oppressive countries where dating, discussing sex and the practice ethical non-monogamy is restricted or forbidden. So always check your local law. We don't promote our work in those countries. Our best advice for when you're living in any of those sexually highly restricted countries is to move to a more favorable other country.
No. In most western countries it is perfectly fine to start talking to random women. We teach a method without lying or deceit, and we also don't pay for the women either. It is all based on mutual consent and of course adhering to any age-of-consent laws. We'll guide you a bit on which women are most safe to approach without having dangers of repercussions (e.g. that hot police woman on duty that thinks you were harassing her).
There are a few oppressive countries where dating, discussing sex and the practice ethical non-monogamy is restricted or forbidden. So always check your local law. We don't promote our work in those countries. Our best advice for when you're living in any of those sexually highly restricted countries is to move to a more favorable other country.
PlayMale is my pen name within the sex dating and erotic play realm. I am active in the scene of day/street game, sensual play (including mind-play) and erotic parties. As a master erotic hypnotist I also conduct research on the topic of female orgasms on command.
Since 2004 I've been involved in the so-called 'seduction-community' and 'pick-up artist' (PUA) scene. Together with 2 other bad-ass bros from The Netherlands we founded a dating coaching company and quickly became nationally known. We had a very successful no-nonsense dating coaching business that helped thousands of men become good with getting laid.
That dating advice company is now long gone, and I've been mostly working on very, very expensive business consultancy projects for big corporations since. But I held interest and involvement in self-development and in meeting, dating and having sex with women I find attractive. After a traditional long term relationship I am redesigning my life for freedom; which includes playful freedom with dating and sleeping with women.
My goal with the Confidently Dating Women™ book and the dating coaching is to help other men achieve that sexual freedom as well.
Yes, we also meet these kind of women. We have met women who even train other women how to best suck cock (no joke)! As long as the women in question go out of the house and show themselves in public then you can meet them. That's how we meet for example strippers, pole-dancers and photo models outside their work environment.
Although some of our dating coaches have experience with adult (sex) dating and kink, the focus is definitely not on sex dating sites. It is perfectly fine to casually hook up with women, and via those channels you'll find it even easier to achieve that. But there's also a lot of cat fishing, advertisements for sex workers and fake profiles on those platforms.
For a man it is important to have money and sex in his life. At the same time we want to relax a bit so we don't focus on one night stands but on meeting, dating and repeatedly sleeping with women over a longer period of time. It's much more practical to have multiple fuck buddies and a long term relationship, than having to go through the hassle of finding new one-night-stand ladies every damn day.
Sure. We're well known for our balls-of-steel guarantee at our workshops. And for the get-laid-guarantee at our international travel training programs. When you follow the steps laid out in the book, you may also find you in the same position of one of our best clients who followed the advice to the letter: marrying the woman of your dreams and having your 7 hot exes attend your wedding!
Anyway, one of the commercial television stations in The Netherlands covered a documentary about our approach. Here's a screenshot of that to give you an idea of the their interpretation of what to expect:
No. And you don't want to either when you've met your ex before you learned our method (that includes ethical non-monogamy). Because when you go back to your ex that means that you are unable to find a better woman than her, which is a wrong sign of weakness to re-enter a relationship with.
Your ex may come back to you instead out of jealousy. Because you are so busy meeting and sexing other women. Besides, you'll quickly forget about your ex when you are banging a more hot and more drama-free girl than your ex anyways.
Well as we don't spend money on women these type of women typically disqualify themselves from our system. You might find instead that all other women are eager to pay for your drinks and clean your house and cook for you as long as they can have regular sex for free with you.
You can still meet those sex workers, hookers, prostitutes and sugar-daddy girls outside their working environment. There you are no longer perceived as her customer and can talk to her like a regular person man-to-woman. Remind yourself that these women may look stunningly hot, but still will see a lot of other men (their customers) and have sex with those men for money. On the plus side the quality ones often are quite keen on having safe sex and regularly test themselves for STDs (which is a good thing in my opinion); may require regular testing also from you. If you can't deal with that, then don't get into the hassle of dating such a woman.
We had our time being on public state television, appeared in commercial broadcasts, interviewed on radio, starred in well-known Dutch and Belgian magazines, and even made it into Playboy Magazine and Penthouse. But nowadays our dating coaches remain more under the radar to keep away from the prying feminist eyes who'd love to see most men as dick-less supplicating slaves to their princess lifestyles. We get busy helping you as man confidentially get better with laying women. All the news and media interviews were just a distraction for our main mission to create an elite group of men who eat pussy for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
In the old days we used to hang out with a lot of famous Pick Up Artists (PUA's). Some of them are still quite active in the scene; you may know about them because we shared time in workshops and collaborations; since then they have developed their endeavors further. We won't mention names here but we'll show you some pictures after you've signed up for the e-mail insiders newsletter. Feel free to check out who these other master seducers are and decide for yourself which style fits best (no pun intended). Anyway we are now more moving towards associating and hanging out with sensual, sexual and erotic play women. I don't know about you but I'd rather hang out with a group of horny women than a bunch of male wingmen.
No, you can get the book from several well-known online stores such as Amazon and Google Play Books. However, when you have not enlisted yourself on this website we won't keep in touch with you and you'll miss out on the latest updates and insights on how to get better with women. Also, we've created a few private groups for like-minded men like you that you can only join after having subscribed to the free e-mail newsletter. And of course we send any discounts to our training programs or early announcements only to our e-mail list subscribers…
Yes, the book Confidently Dating Women™ is on pre-order on Amazon and Google Play Books. It will be for sale in limited copy from February 14th, 2025 (Valentine's Day). Soon we will make the book available also on other popular book stores.